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Yoga Sutra

Yoga Sutra

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra is made up of 196 aphorisms or pithy phrases about yoga.
In fact the word sutra is related to our word for suture and these are short pithy phrases without verbs.
The sutras in short summarise the theory and practice of yoga.
  • Samadhi Pada
  • 01.samadhi_pada-1.pdf
  • yoga sutra story.pdf
  • Yoga sutra 1
  • Yoga surta 2-11.pdf
  • Yoga sutra chanting
  • yoga sutra second class
  • Yoga sutra 13.09.2023
  • Yoga sutra 12-20.pdf
  • yoga suthra 21-32.pdf
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed